日本財団 図書館


by a locomotive is 90 km/H, that of a mixed train is 55 km/H, and that of a freight train is 50 km/H, but the maximum speed of a diesel rail car (Sprinter) is 120 km/H. Table 3.2-3 shows the speed limit of a diesel rail car (Sprinter) for each section. As shown in Table 3.2-3, the station passing speed is limited as shown below because of the limitation of a turnout, etc.


Ayutthaya:30 km/H
Mae Thiap:80 km/H
Tha Sao:60 km/H
Den Chai:15 km/H
Nakhon Lampang:30 km/H
Khun Tan:30 km/H
Lamp Phun:30 km/H


Be careful of passing a section in which a block system uses the ball token system, such as the section between Sila At and Chiang Mai even if there is no station passing speed limit at a speed of 60 to 70 km/H or more increases the probability of failing in token transfer though there is no specified value.


3.2.4 Contents of transport


(1) Train delay


The duty system of a dispatcher is described above. In fact, however, the dispatcher is very busy in monitoring train operations (in drawing an actual diagram) and thereby, it is very difficult to check delay time and their causes of every train.


Particularly because even a slight delay of a train influences a opposite direction train in a single track section and the delay expands to the whole area, it is necessary to check a delay for each cause and construct a system capable of designing delay prevention measures.


Table 3.2-4 shows the delay of the Northern Line passenger train 16 July, '96.






